Vampire: fact or fiction???
By: Berlin Adi Pranedya
Vampire has been a controversy since a long time ago. In the society, the role of vampire has changed along with the development of the period and technology. Nowadays, nobody believes in ‘real’ vampire. It was very different with the condition in our past. However, although nowadays common people think that vampire does not exist, vampirism still has a big role in our life, especially for western people. This article will briefly peel-off all the things that you need to know about vampire.
The brief history of vampire
The history of vampire began in the age of ancient Persia. At that time the form of vampire was not like vampire in the recent times. Although the history began in ancient Persia, but many people said that the legend of vampire came from Roman and Greek mythology about the bloodthirsty Goddesses: Lamiae, Empusae and Striges. The word ‘vampire’ came from the Germany word ‘vanpir’ in 1726 which adopted by French to be ‘vanpyre’ in 1732 and finally adopted by English to be the term ‘vampire’.
In the following time, between the 7th-17th centuries, the legend of vampires was rapidly developed, especially in Europe. One of the most well known names related with the history of vampire is Vlad Tepes Dracula. He was a prince of Wallachia who caused thousand people impaled for his pleasure in the 15th century. Later on, his name became synonymous with the development of the vampire legend.
In the 18th century, the Age of Enlightenment started to destroy the superstition about vampire, black magic or that kind of superstition. In this century, the gothic novel had its birth. In the 19th century, Bram Stoker wrote one of the most legendary novels, Dracula. It was the era of gothic literary. In the 20th century people started to believe that vampire does not really exist. We can only see vampire in the movies, books or comics, but not the real one. Is it true?
Real vampire
“Do you believe in real vampire?”
Most common people may answer, “Are you kidding?” or even “Are you crazy?” but some people may not answer and just spontaneously bite your neck and suck your blood. Do you believe it?
Vampirism has influenced the life of human being in a fascinating way. It is not about the real vampire who able to fly or spread the ‘symptoms’ and make you to be one of them. It is about the influence of vampirism in the ordinary people’s life. People who influenced by vampirism start to believe that they are real vampires. They start to dress in black, wear capes, sleep in boxes, get their teeth capped or even start to bite people. It is a horrible phenomenon and it can be included in one of psychological/mental disorders.
Along with the development of vampirism, now we have a branch of science which focuses on vampirism named vampirology. According to vampirology we can get information about the real vampire such as the personality or the symptoms of vampirism. Most vampires described as manipulative, unpredictable, moody, temperamental, and selfish. Some of the symptoms of vampirism are avoiding sunlight, sun burning easily, having inverted circadian rhythm (sleep hormones), having difficulty in adjusting daytime and having excellent night vision.
The story about vampire has the same contradiction with alien. Many people said they have met vampire and give testimony about it and there are many witness said that they met or even bit by the vampire but we still have no idea about the truth.
Vampire literature and movie
There are some books and movies that you should read and watch if you want to know more about vampire:
Twilight Saga: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Down
This story consists of four books. This saga tells the story of love between a vampire and a human. It is one of the most vampire stories in these recent years. The love story between Edward Cullen and Bella Swan is one of the best vampire-love stories ever made.
Vampires: John Carpenter’s Vampires
This movie tells the story of vampire hunter named Jack Crow and his team. This movie has strong western overtures and allusions. Although it is not a new movie (it was released in 1998) but it is one of the most recommended movies for the vampire-movies fans.
It is a new movie and released in 2010. The story of the movie is interesting. In this movie, the vampires have taken the position of the human being and become the majority of the Earth’s inhabitant while human beings are almost extinct.
The story about vampire will still be a controversy until we can find the prove of the existence of vampire. The belief of vampire or vampirism is now depends on ourselves. How about you?
Folklore-The History of the Vampire. vampiresamongus.html. Retrieved May 22, 2010, from http/www.vampiresamongus/history.html
Vampires. Wikipedia. Retrieved May 22,2010, from:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampires_%28film%29
Daybreakers. Wikipedia. Retrieved May 22,2010, from:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daybreakers_%28film%29
Real Vampires.earthspirit.com. Retrieved May 22, 2010, from http://www.earthspirit.com/fireheart/fhvampire.html
Pictures: www.twilight_movie.org
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