Today, there are many technology developments. Technology has made change everything including our mind. In the past, people did not believe that human can touch the moon; but now people not only can touch the moon but we can live on there. It is true that people view about world will change by the time. The people view about human right is also change by the time. There are many cases about human right. Now human right is not become a foundation of live anymore. Many people do not appreciate human life and kill another person.
There are many arguments about definition of human right. According to the free dictionary, human right is any basic right or freedom to which all human beings are entitled and in whose exercise a government may not interfere (including rights to life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality before the law). But according to Kaelan (2002), human rights are basis right who has had by human. John Locke argued that human rights are rights that have given by God. Without God, we cannot life as a human. Baharuddin Lopa said that human rights are rightful authorities that adhere to every human and without that rights its imposible for us to life.
The death penalty is one of human right problems. It is become a controversy because death penalty is very inhumanity. The pro side argues that the death penalty will decrease the number of crime. If the government make an explicit rule such as the death penalty, its will make people fear to kill somebody and maybe they will think twice before do it. But the contra side assumes that death penalty will not give an opportunity for criminal to make a change. Government can give life time in prison as a sentence for the defendant. But the problem is when the prison overload, where should the criminals be moved? Another problem is cost. Government must spend much money to finance the prisoners.
The death penalty will be a controversy because if that rule will not be done, it will make discrimination. In United States, discrimination is happen between white and black people. Black people tend to get the death penalty that white people. If in America there is a racial discrimination, in Indonesia there is injustice between murderers who get capital punishment. For example Amrozi and Tibo Cs; we know that Amrozi has got capital punishment before Tibo Cs but Tibo Cs has been executed first.
Another problem that related to human right is abortion. According to Oxford dictionary, abortion is the deliberate ending of a pregnancy at an early stage. Abortion becomes a controversy because it takes life of fetus. Medical view argues that life is start when insemination happens. It means that a fetus is alive so we can kill it. In United States, abortion is legal and many group of humanity oppose it. The government argues that abortion can decrease population of people. If the government can compress the number of people so they do not spend much money to many public facilities. It is not logical if the government sacrifice the baby to make their country wealthier. However, abortion is a murder. If the mother aborts her baby, she is a murderer. Although that baby has not been born, the mother must respect for the baby’s life. Abortion is also a danger procedure and will put the mother at risk.
In Indonesia, abortion is banned. But the number of abortion in Indonesia is very high. It is become very badly because the person who do the abortion is a young people. Free sex is become a major factor of abortion. Free sex makes them be inhumanity so that they do that.
Euthanasia is also become a controversy. Euthanasia is a big problem and we cannot think that that case is simple. According to Cambridge Dictionary, Euthanasia is the act of killing someone who is very ill or very old so that they do not suffer anymore. Euthanasia impinged a human life. Everybody has a human right and they must keep their life. I think no one want to die, so we must respect their human right. If we have a brother who get a seriously ill and he want to die, we must support him so that he has spirit to recover. If we do not support him, it means that we do not expect him. While there is not expectation for him to heal, we must make him happy so that it can reduce his burden.
Many people argue that euthanasia should be legalized but their reason is not strong. The reason that euthanasia will help people to close their suffering is untrue. If we consider that human right is important, we can find the alternative way to overcome this problem.
Human right can be a big problem if the government cannot manage it well. Start from our self, we must respect each other with life like a normal person.
Yakobus Dewantoro (081214126)
Bibliography :
Free essay. The Contradiction of Abortion and Morality. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from
Free essay. The Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty. Retrieved March 23, 2010, from
Free essay, Euthanasia, Retried April 28, 2010, from http://www.helpMe.com/view.asp?id=138181
Cambridge Dictionary third edition
Oxford Dictiomary 7th edition
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