Cigarettes are popular things in the world. They are light and small items shaped cylinder which consist of tobacco, cloves, and other substances. Cigarettes are legal products so they can be easily found in every store wherever we are. Because of that, cigarettes become common things in our life. They can be easily reached even by kids. That is why, nowadays, smokers are not only adults but also young people and women. There are no clear regulations and actions from the government about the smokers. The government only has the regulations for the cigarettes producers. That is the cigarettes producers have to attach the warning labels of the effect of smoking cigarettes in every cigarette pack they produced. Even though the cigarettes producers have attached the warning labels in every cigarette pack, people still do not pay attention more on the warning label and even tend to ignore it.
As we know, cigarettes contain of many deadly and dangerous chemical substances. The substances can be divided into two; carcinogens and irritant toxins. The substances that include in carcinogens are Tar, Arsenic (deadly poison), Cadmium and Nickel, Vinyl Chloride that is causing dizziness and tiredness, Creosote, Formaldehyde (preservative substance), and Polonium 210 that is causing leukemia, stomach ulcers and liver cancer. Meanwhile, the substances that include in irritant toxins are Nicotine, Ammonia (pungent colorless gas), Acetone (varnish remover), Acrolein, Hydrogen Cyanide (rat poison), CO, and Toluene (a component of nail varnish and paint thinners that causes tiredness, weakness, and memory lost.
Even though containing a lot of dreadful chemical substances, some of them bring several advantages. The advantages of smoking from the health side are relaxing breathing. The smokers consider that smoke is oxygen for them, that is why they think that smoking is one way to relax breathing. One of the substances that bring the benefits for the smokers is nicotine. Although it cannot help them solve their problems but it helps them to reduce stress, it can calm them down, and it also can break of boredom because it is very enjoyable. Cigarettes also can be useful for the nature. For example, if you throw away the butts of your cigarettes in the pots or in the garden, the ash will fertilize the ground and the plants. It also economizes your finances to buy fertilizer, doesn’t it?
Besides having several advantages, smoking also has its disadvantages that have to be concerned more. The disadvantages are divided into two; short-term effect and long-term effect. The short-term effects are narrowing the airways of the lungs, and then it makes the heart rate of the smokers beat faster because the supply of oxygen does not suffice the necessity. The further effect is increasing the blood pressure of the smokers. Those effects may influence the smokers’ daily lives. They can disturb the smokers’ relationship with his or her boyfriend or girlfriend. Why is it so? If the smokers have the increasing blood pressure, the smokers will have unstable emotion and that is a risky thing for a relationship. The worst effect is the relationship will end sooner. The other short-term effect is making you run out of money. This effect is also a risky thing for our life. If we run out of money just to buy cigarettes, we will die sooner because we cannot but food to supply our necessity of nutrition anymore. After experiencing the short-term effects but you keep smoking, sooner you will get the long term-effect of smoking. They are lung cancer emphysema, various heart and respiratory diseases and even death. Smoking can also lose baby weight if the pregnant woman is smoking. Besides, it also can disturb the growth of the baby inside the womb. Smoking activity can be dangerous for the people surrounding us too. The smoke that does not inhaled by the smokers inhaled by the secondhand smokers and it is very harmful for them. They can also get the bad effects of smoking such as bronchitis, asthma, and the other diseases.
Those are the disadvantages of being smokers. They are spooky, aren’t they? Thus, it is better for the smokers to quit smoking and to not smoking and for us who are non-smokers. Quitting smoking brings some benefits. It makes the body become healthier than when we are smoking. If we are smoking, we continuously put in the toxins to our body. If we quit smoking, it means that we stop heaping the toxins to our body. We also do not have to be worried about the spooky diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other respiratory diseases that may invasive us. If we quit smoking and maintain our bodies’ health with exercise and arrange our diet well, those diseases will not be brave to approach us.
However, for those who, indeed, cannot leave smoking activity, there is good news. There is one thing that can replace cigarette; that is electronic cigarette. Electronic cigarettes are created and recognized by Beijing Health Care Department and China Health Care Society. It is the imitation of cigarettes. If you want to quit smoking, but you find difficulties to do it, you can choose electronic cigarettes as the one way to quit smoking. You can feel the sense of smoking without worrying about the dreadful chemical substances that usually contain in the real cigarettes. It still produces smoke, but the differences between E-cigs and real cigarettes are E-cigs produce no Tar, Carbon Monoxide, ash and odor. Therefore, it can reduce air pollution, and can reduce the addiction of nicotine. Having E-cigs is like having the other electronics tools. There are several tools that support the work of E-cigs. They are the atomizer, battery, and the cartridge which is filled with the liquid form of nicotine. Therefore, you can measure how much nicotine that you want. If you want to reduce the addiction of nicotine, you can decrease the amount of nicotine in every time you smoke E-cigs.
From the facts about cigarettes mentioned above, in conclusion, cigarettes include as one of the bloodless killers in the world. It gives heavenly pleasure but actually it is killing you softly. Therefore, I suggest you to quit smoking right now and start to live healthily. Health is expensive so we have to maintain our health that is still free given by our creator, God.
Cigarettes Smoking Facts. Retreived February 1, 2010, from http://listverse.com/2009/01/11/30-fascinating-cigarette-smoking-facts/
Chemicals in Cigarettes. Retreived May 3, 2010, from http://www.quit-smoking-stop.com/harmful-chemicals-in-cigarettes.html
What’s in Cigarettes?. Retreived May 3, 2010, from http://www.helpwithsmoking.com/passive-smoking/contents-of-tobacco-smoke.php
Lantry D. Cigarettes Have Mental/Physical Pros, Knowing Them Can Help You Quit. Benefits of smoking. Retreived February 15, 2010, fromhttp://asthmalungdisease.suite101.comarticle.cfm/benefits_of_smoking
Yes you need to know the benefits of smoking. Retreived February 15, 2010, from http://teplokku.blogspot.com/2009/10/good-news-yes-you-need-to-know-benefits.html
Pro smoking. Retreived February 15, 2010, from http://the advantage of smoking tobacco.htm
All about E- Cigarettes. Retreived March 22, 2010, from:http://www.buzzle.com/articles/all-about-e-cigarettes.html
Disadvatages of Smoking. Retreived March 1, 2010, from http://www.knowledgebase-script.com/demo/article-222.html
Shocking disadvantages of smoking you should know. Retreived March 1, 2010, from http://hubpages.com/hub/disadvantagesofsmoking
if you combine your smoking activity and doing exercises, everything will be okay
ReplyDeleteElectronic Cigarette INC offer many benefits over conventional cigarettes including reduced health risks, the possibility of cost savings, avoidance of smoking bans, the absence of second hand smoke and no lingering smoke smell.