Art is a very popular word in the world. Many people know well about art. They said that art is very unique and interesting. But, not all of people in the world know about the definition of art. Actually, the definition of art, as stated by Ronnie Burkett (2207), is that "Art is the personal contribution to the ever continuing conversation about life." Art has two main functions, like motivated function, non-motivated function. In motivated function, art is interpreted as a medium of communication. Unlike, in motivated function, art in non-motivated function is interpreted as a medium of religious. Nowadays, there are six kinds of arts that are very famous, like body piercing, classical music, abstract art, oil painting, origami, and juggling.
Body piercing is one of the six types of art that is very famous. Besides that, body piercing also has two major benefits, such as supporting appearances, and facilities for prayer or religious. Not everyone likes body piercing. Only people who have big willingness and courage can do this action. There are some body piercings’ tools that are very rare and expensive, like piercing needle, indwelling cannula, dermal punch, piercing gun, cork, forceps, needle receiving tubes, and anaethesia. Piercing needle has a lot of kinds, like medical needle, straight needle, and curved needle. These piercing needle’s kinds must be inserted in the body that will be pierced. Unlike, piercing needle, indwelling cannula just used in some moments because, it produces more blood. So, the piercer not always uses this tool. Actually, dermal punch, piercing gun, cork, forceps, needle receiving tubes, and anaethesia are the most important tools because they are the main tools that must be used.
Unlike body piercing that needs big willingness and courage, classical music needs our soul and our mind. Classical music has one important function that is very closely related to our lives. Classical music can be used as a stimulant for the children’s brain growth. And, this can be done since the children still in the womb. Besides that, classical music also can be used to train children’s discipline. There are some classical music’s tools that are very important for the classical musician, like piano, cello, classical guitar, and tambourine. Piano is the most difficult instrument. It is divided into piano concerto, piano sonata, piano trio, piano quintet, and solo piano. Unlike piano, cello needs special skills, like left hand technique, and right hand technique. It also has some sizes that are very various. And, the last two instruments are the additional instrument. So, not all of the classical musician use this instrument.
Abstract art is one kind of paintings that is very popular. And, it becomes popular because of its functions. Abstract art has some functions, like improve people’s ability to solve their problems, increase people’s creativity, improve people’s ability to manage their times, money, and their activities. Besides that, it also can improve the function of people’s right brain. Not just that, abstract art can becomes a tool to channel people’s feelings and dreams. Like another arts, abstract art also needs some tools, like canvas, roller, brush, rags, and faux-finishing tool. Canvas is the main tool in abstract art because canvas is the media to draw the picture. And, the next tool is roller that also becomes the main tool. Roller is used to coloring the picture that has big shape. Unlike canvas and roller, that becomes the main tool, brush, palette, rags, and faux-finishing tool are falsifies tools because all of these tools are used when the painting in the completion stage.
The next famous type of arts is oil painting. Many people in this world like oil painting. They like oil painting because with oil painting they can share about their feelings and their talent. Besides that, many people in this world like oil painting because it is drowning with details that help the audience to know and understand about the meaning of paintings. Oil painting also needs some tools, like wooden panel, paper, slate, pressed wood, and cardboard. Wooden panel has the same function with canvas. But, the difference is wooden panel used to draw a picture with oil. So, wooden panel cannot be used in abstract art. Unlike abstract art that does not need sketches, oil painting is one kind of arts that need them. And, we can use paper to draw the sketches. The last three things are optional tools because they are used in ancient time and now they are replaced by modern tools, like wooden panel, and paper.
Origami is an amazing and unique art because with origami we can get a lot of new things, like we can train our patience, our left brain function and our hand speed. Besides that, with origami we can enlarge our knowledge about Japanese national culture because in there every origami has its own function and meaning. For example, when Japanese people have weeding party they use origami butterflies because origami butterflies reflect the bride and the groom. Like another arts, origami also needs some tools, like origami paper, bone folder, paper clip, tweezers, ruler, scissors, and origami book. There are five major tools in origami, like bone folder, paper clip, tweezers, ruler, and origami book. We use bone folder, paper clip, and tweezers when we want to make small folds. And, ruler will helps us to get appropriate and accurate size. Origami book helps us get examples of forms that we will create.
The last famous type of arts is juggling. Nowadays, there are a lot of shows that use juggling, like circus, medieval fairs, and children’s birthday party. Besides that, juggling can be performed in street, theatre and the others. Juggling is one kind of arts that has some functions, like improve our brain function, train our hand abilities and our hand speed. Like we know, all people in this world have brain. And, juggling is one example of tools that can increase brain’s function because, with juggling human’s visual-motor part in their brain will work faster. Besides that, with juggling we can train our hand abilities and our hand speed. It is because we must catch the ball in the appropriate time. And, if we do not have good hand abilities and speed, we cannot do that. Actually, juggling is one kind of art that is very simple, because it does not require a lot of equipments. Juggling just needs hand abilities, juggler’s concentration and ball.
As we can see, art has a lot of various things, like the functions of art, the examples of art, the popularities of art, and the others. The six kinds of arts that are very famous, like body piercing, classical music, abstract art, oil painting, origami, and juggling are one example of art’s things. On body piercing, we can get two major advantages, like support our appearances, and facilities for prayer. Body piercing has some tools, like piercing needle, indwelling cannula, dermal punch, piercing gun, cork, forceps, needle receiving tubes, and anaethesia. And, in classical music we can stimulate children’s brain growth, and train children’s discipline. Piano, cello, classical guitar and tambourine are the examples of classical music’s tools. Abstract art has some functions, like improve people’s ability to solve their problems, increase people’s creativity, improve people’s ability to manage their times, money, and their activities. Besides that, it also can improve the function of people’s right brain. There are some tools that are important for abstract art, like canvas, roller, brush, rags, and faux-finishing tool. The next famous type of art is oil painting. In oil painting, we can get some benefits, like share our feelings and talent. Besides that, we can know and understand about the meaning of paintings. Wooden panel, paper, slate, pressed wood, and cardboard are the tools in oil painting. Next is origami. Origami has some functions, like train our patience, our left brain function and our hand speed. Besides that, with origami we can enlarge our knowledge about Japanese national culture. And, there are some tools in origami, like bone folder, paper clip, tweezers, ruler, and origami book. The last example of famous type of art is juggling. In juggling, we can improve our brain function, train our hand abilities and our hand speed. Unlike other examples of art that needs a lot of equipment, juggling just needs hand abilities, juggler’s concentration and ball.
Yohana K.S. (081214063)
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